Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lent And What It Means To Me

I know that most people give something up for lent, even if they are not Catholic. I'm not Catholic and I have always given something up for lent because I get why they do it and I wanted to try and sacrifice just a little to be closer to Jesus, even though nothing we can do or give up would ever equal what he did for us.

Three years ago I decided that since I could never ever come close to Jesus' sacrifice and since the best thing I could possibly give up would be my time since I have so little of it, that I would give my time for lent.

The last two years I've tryed to do more community service during lent. This year I am trying to take it one step further, I'm also trying to be kinder, more loving, more giving, and trying to use time that I would usually think of myself to pray for and think of others. I'm really glad that I added this part to my life and my commitment during lent. I feel soooo good when I am praying for others and thinking of others. It is an amazing feeling.

If anyone reads this please pass it on...I think it would be wonderful if others could do this for Lent also.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Being Shocked!

I wanted to have before and after pics of my body as I am working on changing my eating habits. I actually started about two years ago and have lost 10 lbs but I just got really serious about 3 weeks ago. Well, I had Shelby, my 16 year old, take pics of me in my bra and underwear from different angles...oh my goodness! I definitely do not see myself like that. I'm really glad I did it though because I think we lie to ourselves when we look in the mirror. I had rolls I didn't even know I had! My tummy is way bigger then I thought!

I'm really glad I did it though...i know exactly how I want to look when I'm finished losing the 40 lbs and now I have something to compare it too.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

every day is getting better

I'm feeling better every day. I still have moments when I think of the baby and what would have been but I don't cry now just a brief sadness.